Hyper light drifter review ps4
Hyper light drifter review ps4

You're really coming to HLD for the gameplay, though, and I've put in a couple playthroughs because it's fun to go through in the same way a 2D Zelda or Megaman is. There's a thread on the Steam forums, last time I checked. Unlike Dark Souls, which is very vague with its timeline, people have more or less put together the Hyper Light Drifter story into a coherent narrative-give or take a couple points. There's a bunch of stuff to collect and it reveals some secrets for the story, but in a very Dark Souls-esque fashion, the story is presented with a minimalist touch. All of this is supplemented by a stellar soundtrack from the guy who did Fez. The sound effects are really distinct, which is good for the combat because it can get hectic, and they sound great. Loving the sound design too, about as much as the art. The art direction is awesome it's pixel art, yeah, but there are some really subtle touches to the animation and the developers were really good with color and lighting. Sword attacks have a recovery time, blinking is dangerous, and you can't take many hits. It has a very deliberate feel, and it's challenging but fairly so.

hyper light drifter review ps4

Like said, it takes about half the game to get all of the abilities, but you unlock them in whatever order you want so I had a very different experience in that I got the one or two abilities that looked the most useful and they completed the combat experience for me (charged sword attack/dash sword attack and multi-dash). Having finished HLD, I really liked that game.

hyper light drifter review ps4

Don't know about replayability considering that, though.

hyper light drifter review ps4

It's a boss-fights-only kind of game, but it's fun to play. I've played about 30 minutes of Furi, it's pretty cool.

Hyper light drifter review ps4